Monday, January 11, 2021

My Acustic Guitar


This guitar was a gift to me from my son Gray before he went off the be a Monk!

I am even taking lessons!

Between this, and my electric guitar I should be rocking in no time!


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Robbie the Robot

Here are some more robots from my collection.

Robbie the Robot is from the 1956 SciFi film FORBIDDEN PLANET. It's one of my favorite movies and it still holds up today.

Robbie was a great design and appeared in many other shows.

--Fun Stuff.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Custom Guitar


This guitar was hand made by my friend Mike.

It is amazing and I am trying to learn how to play it. 

I am actually considering lessons because Youtube is not cutting it for this old dog that is trying to learn new tricks.

I also have a nice acoustic guitar my son gave to me. Playing that is more likely to keep me safe from my wife murdering me...

--Oh yeah!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Paper Weight

 It's a classic paperweight I keep on my desk. It also functions as my fidget spinner!

I actually have a couple of these but could not find my other one.

--Damn handy when you need it. To, you know, hold down papers...

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Robot Pals

Here we have three robots from my collection. 
  • The Maschinenmensch from Metropolis 
  • The Terminator 
  • K-2SO from Star Wars Rogue One 
I have a lot of robots from the movies and TV now.  

--Fun stuff.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Rotary Phone

In my den where my collections live I also have this heavy, weighs a ton, classic rotary phone.

It even works. Well, it would work is my land line was actually active.

In my next home, I plan on having it fully functional just so I can hear it ring.

---It's music to me.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Throwing Axes

I know it is an odd thing to collect, but they are both fun and practical!

You never know when a Zombie outbreak might happen and a Viking throwing ax might be handy.

Great for camping and target practice!

--Just having them causes children to behave.