Saturday, May 24, 2014


My newest addition to the Relic collection is my NRA Life Member lapel pin.

I attended to 2014 NRA Annual Meeting this year and while there I signed up as a Life Member.

This pin came in the mail with the rest of my packet!

There is a long story behind this pin. The Short version is that the church I have attended for over 20 years failed me and let politics become more important than people. This intentionally offsets some of those politics.

--Besides, suddenly I have thousands in extra cash!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Brenda found me a a lovely, jade-looking, sculpture.

The sculpture is of Hotei, today in Japan by many considered to be the one of the seven lucky gods of Taoism who is responsible for wealth. The image portrayed is that of Budai, a 10th century Chinese monk who, according to legend, found happiness by foregoing material wealth.

It is made out of some kind of resin that the interesting.

It glows in the dark.

The glow comes from within, not just of the surface.

--Cool and a bit haunting really.