Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Rotary Phone

In my den where my collections live I also have this heavy, weighs a ton, classic rotary phone.

It even works. Well, it would work is my land line was actually active.

In my next home, I plan on having it fully functional just so I can hear it ring.

---It's music to me.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Throwing Axes

I know it is an odd thing to collect, but they are both fun and practical!

You never know when a Zombie outbreak might happen and a Viking throwing ax might be handy.

Great for camping and target practice!

--Just having them causes children to behave.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Royal

One of my neighbors was selling his fathers typewriter. He posted it on-line in a local Yardsale listing. I don't know anything about typewriters except that I wanted a fully manual one, because... reasons.

Anyway, I went over to check it out. My friend Schwartz is kind of a collector of retro manual typewriters and told me to try all the keys and if they all worked $20 was a deal! It's perfect for my roll top desk!

I may post an updated photo after I clean it up. I have already ordered a new ribbon.

--Time to write my Manifesto!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Pocket Diaries of 1869 and 1870

I can't remember how I came to own these relics. These are the pocket diaries of Laura Stevens from 1869 and 1870.

I plan to one-day carefully photograph each page for reading.These are smaller than a wallet each.

I included the dollar bill for scale.

They have always been in the Whitmans Chocolate tin.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The MITRE Desk Clock

This Blog has been quiet for a while. This Relic represents the reason this blog is back to life.

I Retired!

The excellent folks at MITRE gifted me with this engraved desk clock as a reward for my years of service.

I will miss the people there.

--It's a MITRE Box!