Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Ansco

I have multiple cameras in the Relics collection.This one was owned by my wife Brenda's parents.

It is an Ansco Shur-Flash. It is a simple, basic box camera. It probably has not been used in 60 years. It was really advanced for it's time because it has a viewfinder.

One of these days I want to clean it up and find some film for it.

--In the mean time, it makes me think of Audrey, Brenda's mom.


  1. I remember having my photo taken with something very similar when I was a kid!

  2. I looked this camera up and was surprised to to see that the company (from Binghamton NY) was the predecessor to GAF. I think I had a camera when I was a kid that said GAF. It uses 120 Kodak film which I am sure you can still find somewhere. Interesting story behind the company.
