Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Botonee Cross

This Relic was given to me by Ann Miller, my kids Grandmother. We found it in her basement and she had no idea what it was and tossed it into the trash. I salvaged it and asked her about it.

I thought it looked cool. For years I thought it was the top of a staff used by formal clerics during events.I found out later that is is actually something called a Botonee Cross.

It is a parade flag pole topper.

You can easily Google the term and find that there are all kinds of these flag pole toppers. They have them for various religions, occupations and organizations.

I wish I knew more about the actually history of this specific one. Maybe once some if the Millers see it it might trigger a memory that could add to this story!

--I still think it looks cool and I like remembering Ann. I still miss her.

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