Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Weeping Buddha

Brenda and the Kids bought me this statue. I have always loved it. I had a small one but this one is really beautifully rendered. Here is the story as I know it:

The Weeping Buddha
There were two warriors who confronted each other in numerous battles. Both of them wore masks and never saw each other's face. After many such encounters the older warrior killed the younger one. 

Upon removing his mask he discovered he had killed his own long lost son. 

The warrior, filled with sorrow, staggered from the battlefield. He was about to throw himself from a bridge, wearing his armor, to drown himself. Before he cleared the railing, the warrior heard a small voice ask, "Before you go, tell me why you would do this and I won't try to stop you."  

The warrior told his story. His words dripped of his devastation. Buddha began to weep wordlessly.
When the warrior finished his story Buddha collapsed in on himself weeping deeply for the Warrior and his son. The Warrior left the rail of the bridge and touched Buddhas back to comfort him. 

His sorrow passed.

--Touching the back of this sculpture is said to relieve your sorrow.


  1. that's a beautiful statue. i didn't know that story...thanks for sharing.

  2. There are many variations in the story. Some even have Buddha as the warrior. All interesting.
