Friday, January 6, 2012

The Found Helmet

The very first house where I lived together with Brenda was a townhouse in Northern Virginia.

We purchased the house from a friend that was living in Arkansas at the time. The house was full of renters and was left in bad shape. It was full of trash, and tons of other things left behind. They even left an abandoned car in the driveway.

Not everything left behind was total garbage. There were lots of tools, a 30' extension ladder and even a fridge full of beer. The cigarette burns and wax in the rugs was not so much fun!

One of the things left behind is now a Relic in my collection. This helmet is specifically for Heavy Fighting in the SCA. I am a long standing member of the SCA and happened to be able to recognize exactly what it was.

--Plus this puppy is rusted to the point of being so ugly it looks evil in an excellent Mad Max sorta way...

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