Monday, January 9, 2012

The Skull

The Skull
Every Relic room needs a skull.

This Relic I made with my own hands. It was yet another project that was protected by the Kiln God.

In that art class we were doing "bone studies". Mike Powers, our teacher, had a huge box of various human and animal bones we could draw.

I decided to copy the skull with clay. When I sculpted it it was the size of a man size skull. During the firing it shrank to the point that it looks like a childs skull now.

I was reminded of a story. My niece Heidi once asked me if it was real. I told her is the the skull of her older brother. She replied, "I don't have an older bro..." Her eyes went wide.

--That makes this Relic even creepier. I love that about it...

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