Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Kiln God

The Kiln God
This small clay figure is one of my first Relics.

This was a gift that was made for me by my first wife Ginny while we were dating at Genesee Community College.

In the art program there I loved to do sculptures in clay that we would fire in a kiln to turn them to stone. I have several of these in my Relics collection. She made this "Kiln God" for me to protect my projects while they were being fired after an explosion inside the kiln ruined one of my efforts.

When ever I fired another project after that this figure sat on top of the hot kiln, guarding it.

I have lived in over twenty homes since then and I have carefully moved this little guy along with me. Each time I packed or unpack it, I thought of Ginny and asked the Kiln God to protect those that live under this roof.

--So far he has done an excellent job...

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