Monday, January 30, 2012

The Guardian

Guan Yu

This Relic is a bronze statue of Guan Yu.

There are many origin tales of Guan Yu. Most often he is said to have been a great General in the Chinese army that was invincible, made so by his incongruous Buddhist beliefs. All his skills, his power, was only brought forth to protect and defend.

Click image for detail
In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yu is revered by most practicing Buddhists as Sangharama Bodhisattva a protector of the Buddhist principles.

His statue is usually located on the far left of the main shrine, quietly, subtly, on guard.  opposite his counterpart, another guardian known as Skanda.

What I always loved about this figure is that he was a warrior AND a devout Buddhist. With no conflict inside. A true Buddhist that is bristling with weapons.

--Look for him guarding the monasteries and gardens of Buddhist temples, as well as, my den!

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