Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Calthrop

This Relic came into my collection in 1976. It was given to be by my friend Ray Clark (RIP 1981). He gave me a half a dozen of these.

This is made out of steel and about an inch tall. It is very heavy. Ray got about 20 of these from his older brother that worked in a machine shop. They were used in a giant tumbler, like a rock tumbler. Metal parts were put into this giant cement mixer looking thing, to get all the rust off and polished. I never knew what they were actually called. We called them Calthrops because they really hurt if you stepped on them.

As teen age boys we thought these would make wicked projectiles. One of these would be as good as a Ninja throwing star!!

My friend Ray died in a motorcycle crash in his early 20's. It always reminds me of him.

--It reminds me of the days when we were imortal Ninjas. 

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